At the end of the first year, I was making enough money to quit my full-time job and become independent and self-employed. Yes, it feels good to be in charge of your own destiny!! It's a freedom not many will ever experience. The aquarium· maintenance business continued to escalate and in less than 2 years, I purchased a second van, hired a full-time employee to maintain the first route I started, and I began to develop a second aquarium maintenance route.
This all didn't happen by accident. A years worth of planning and development went into my business venture. And not everything went perfect the first time around, but I learned what it took to make this business grow and thrive, even in slowing economic times.
After years of hands-on experience, I compiled everything I learned about my business and put it in e-book form, for others to easily follow for the successful creation and growth of their very own aquarium maintenance business. My business plan will guide you around the pitfalls I experienced when I was starting-out without a guide. My aquarium maintenance business has been extremely rewarding and provides me an opportunity to share this success with others in the tropical fish hobby.
My years of tropical fish hobby experience have paid-off in so many ways, once I combined it with a clear and concise business plan. It's actually the most fun I've ever had "at work".....and it really doesn't even seem like work. No matter how big my business gets, I realized to provide the best customer service, we are limited to a 30 or 40 mile radius from our home base due to practical travel limitations,· therefore, by marketing this business program - anyone, anywhere with tropical fish experience can get a jump start on a career of their dreams. If every aquarium maintenance company gets a good start and becomes successful, it's great for the hobby, great for the industry, great for your clients and great for you!
Who needs a job when you can do
what you love???
It’s easy, fun, profitable
Aquarium Maintenance
Business Plan
Ready for immediate download!
only $29.99
All materials are copyrighted.
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"As I prepare to launch my own aquarium maintenance company, Advanced Aquatic Designs, I feel well prepared with the support and knowledge you provided, complimented with my years of fish keeping experience. Without your plan, I would have considered myself a novice in this industry despite my experience in the business world. With your plan, I feel that I have an ace up my sleeve, and the equivalent of years worth of aquarium maintenance business experience."