Dear Roy and Aquatech Staff,
"Thank you so much for your willingness to guide our company. From the first day we began working on the idea of starting our own custom aquarium maintenance service, Aquatech has been there for us.· Fishes-to-Riches (Aquatech) is one of the most innovative business start-up programs that we have ever seen. All of the information that you could possibly need to successfully start-up and run your own company is genuinely right in the manual.·
"Roy has truly been willing to help out with any aspect of the business or technical problems that we may have encountered while venturing into this field. Roy's methods, included in their manual, have been proven effective with his own company, Aquatech.·
"We consider his manual Fishes-to-Riches to be an invaluable tool that we rely on for reference. We have been able to create our own ideas from already tested methods. We feel that the program is an absolute value for the amount of information that is provided and would recommend this program to anyone seriously considering the business as his or her career.
"Thanks again to Roy and the Aquatech Staff!!
James G. & Melissa G.
Dear Roy,
"I thank you whole-heartedly for the Fishes-to-Riches (Aquatech) business plan and for all the time you provided to answer my aquarium maintenance and business questions. The Aquatech plan is more complete and clearly well-tested than other plans I purchased, and was undoubtedly well worth the money. Your willingness to share your time and knowledge of the aquarium maintenance business is greatly appreciated.
"The Aquatech plan is impressive in its thoroughness. While I had considered a number of the ideas and programs you presented, your plan provided the details necessary to put them into action..........As I prepare to launch my own aquarium maintenance company, I feel well prepared with the support and knowledge you provided, complimented with my years of fish keeping experience. Without your plan, I would have considered myself a novice in this industry despite my experience in the business world. With your plan, I feel that I have an ace up my sleeve, and the equivalent of years worth of aquarium maintenance business experience.......
Daniel Schueckler
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